Sunday, December 26, 2010

Final Blog Post

At the beginning of the course, when I chose two NETS-T to focus on I didn't realize how difficult that would be to accomplish. My first goal was to use digital tools and resources to have my students solve authentic problems. This goal has been met in theory, with the three lessons I wrote for my unit plan, but it has not been met in practice. When the opportunity arose to attend a training session on how to set up a Web site for my class I decided to change this goal and focus on the Web site as a way to communicate information to students, parents and colleagues. The GAME plan format helps transform what may seem like a daunting task into manageable pieces as your action plan can be as detailed as you need it to be. Also, monitoring your progress along the way helps to keep you from straying off course, wasting precious time and energy.
As a result of using the GAME plan I now have a Website in the works that I can use as a means of communicating important information with students and their parents. Seeing how useful the GAME plan was, I'm sure that I will use it on a regular basis, not just for lesson planning, but for any professional or personal task or goal I might have.
I've become more familiar with the workings of blogs and wikis from this course, this being the second class I've taken in which they were used. I've also learned of a software program for math called Geogebra, while doing research for class assignments, which I plan on investigating further. While I'm not ready to make any immediate changes in my instruction, these three applications hold promise for future use in my classes.

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